Eternal Debate: Star Wars vs. Star Trek

Star Wars and Star Trek share not only similar names, but arguably similar fandoms. Many times, fans have an appreciation for both–or a professed hatred for one. A key feature of these universes is technology. Whether or not one universe is technologically superior to the other is a subject of great debate…


Star Wars vs. Star Trek

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Technological Superiority: Star Wars vs. Star Trek

The Empire vs. the Federation, the eternal debate. Which civilization is technologically superior?

Star Wars and Star Trek share not only similar names, but arguably similar fandoms. Many times, fans have an appreciation for both – or a professed hatred for one. A key feature of these universes is technology. Whether or not one universe is technologically superior to the other is a subject of great debate.

Personal Weapons

– Both sides come with heavy artillery of the concentrated light variety, but if it comes down to The Force versus the Vulcan neck pinch, is there any contest? Hint: mind control trumps squeezing a neck between your fingers.

WINNER – Star Wars: Lightsabers, Blasters, The Force Signature Weapon: Lightsaber

— Creates a beam of controlled pure plasma that can cut through nearly anything.

— Used by the elite warriors of the Jedi or Sith, they hold a highly prestigious status.

Star Trek: Phasers, Photons/Stun Grenades, Vulcan Neck Pinch. Signature weapon: Phaser particle gun.

— Fires particle beams of nadion particles (some are plasma guns, utilizing forced plasma beams.)

— Able to cut through hulls and shields.

— Adjustable effects allow heat, disintegration, kill, cut, and stun.

Fighters and Vehicles

– The smaller fighters and ground units resources are clearly more developed on the side of The Empire. Ground combat with drones, tanks, and behemoth AT-ATs are common sights in SW gilms whereas person-to-person combat is virtually that exists in ST.

WINNER – Star Wars: Tie Fighters

— Carries dual blaster cannons and has Twin Ion Engines for superior maneuverability.

— Empire also has ground units including AT-AT and AT-ST walkers.

Star Trek: Attack Fighter

— Equipped with photon torpedoes, pulse cannons, ship mounted high-energy disruptors, and particle accelerators.

— There are no notable ground vehicles other than those employed in infantry-based encounters.


– Comparable strength of engines and weaponry are what warrant these two ships facing off. The advantage is in the hands of Slave-1 with both speed and firepower on its side.

WINNER Star Wars – Slave-1

— Main guns: 64,000GW

— Missiles: 190 megatons

— Sublight accelerator: 2,500

“There’s no star system Slave 1 can’t reach, and there’s no planet I can’t find. There’s nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now.” – Boba Fett

Star Trek – Enterprise-D

— Main guns: 3.6GW

— Missiles: 64 megatons

— Sublight accelerator: 1,000G

“Let’s make sure that history never forgets the name… Enterprise.” – Captain Picard

Weapons of Mass Destruction

– The Star Wars and Star Trek universes have roughly equal WMD’s at their disposal. The Death Star is a moon sized space station with an unfathomable laser-beam that the Borg are futile to resist, but the Vulcan Red Matter is more covert and packs a wallop.

TIE – Star Wars: The DEATH STAR BEAM is roughly 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 megatons (that’s 20 billion trillion.)

— Fun Fact: The “Tsar Bomba” of the USSR, the most powerful bomb ever detonated, was designed to carry an explosive force of 100 megatons.

TIE – Star Trek: BORG TACTICAL CUBE boasts multi-faceted engagement capabilities, beam weapons, tractor beams, and pulse weapons. It functions as a space sation and its HQ is comparable to the Death Star.

– RED MATTER is capable of summoning a black hole under excessive heat or pressure. It was only produced once by the Vulcan scientists. Black holes have unknown destructive properties but can absorb nearby planets and stars.

Affiliation Resources

– Despite there being a mere 27 starships present for The Empire’s most important battle in Return of the Jedi, it is said to possess hundreds of thousands of planetary systems and even creates its own moons. The Federation is blatantly dwarfed.

WINNER Star Wars: Galactic Empire

— 1,000,000 total planetary systems

— 1,500 – 100,000 members

— 10,000 light-year diameter territory

— 2,000 trillion persons population

Star Trek: United Federation of Planets

— 1,000-5,000 total planetary systems

— 150 members

— 8,000 x 6,000 light years

— 2 trillion persons population

It appears that the empire has resources aplenty–The Federation can only pale in comparison. Where do your allegiances lie?



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  1. “Despite there being a mere 27 starships present for The Empire’s most important battle in Return of the Jedi, it is said to possess hundreds of thousands of planetary systems and even creates its own moons. The Federation is blatantly dwarfed.”

    Riiiight. (sarcasm) I also doubt the calculations on the Slave 1, and the idea that Tie Fighters are more maneuverable than Federation Ships with their primitive Ion engines.

  2. Jeff Drimsly says

    If people bothered to do research there wouldn’t be a debate. Star Trek easily wins just by simple facts. First of all the Lasers used in Star Wars (Yes I know they’re plasma) are useless against Starfleet shielding. The Lasers in Star Trek are visible in space so they are plasma as well. Second, the Star Trek universe has Phasers. . Phaser stands for Phased Energy Rectification, but a Phaser beam is not completely energy. Nadion particles are the key component in Phasers. Nadions are special particles that are capable of removing the nucleus from an atom. This already is far more powerful than a Star Wars laser. But the Nadion particles aren’t the only things that make a Phaser so powerful. The fact that a Phaser beam is phased changes a lot. Not only does it have the capability of destroying the structure of an atom, it can phase through shields that have never come into contact with such powerful technology. It was stated in an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS: The Menagerie) that a single Phaser beam at medium intensity could destroy a large continent.

    Next up are the Photon Torpedoes. These torpedoes are a little different than Phasers, but they are more powerful. The first difference is that they don’t use Nadion Particles. Instead they use an antimatter detonation to inflict large amounts of damage. While they aren’t energy, they’re still able to be phased. According to Star Trek: Voyager (VOY: Scorpion), the maximum yield on a Photon Torpedo is 200 isotons, and also according to Star Trek: Voyager (VOY: The Omega Directive), only 50 isotons would be sufficient to destroy a small planet. It’s no wonder these are used so much.
    Another type of torpedo that debuted in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9: Defiant) was a Quantum Torpedo. Although not too much is known about these, one can imagine that the yield is much higher than a Photon Torpedo’s yield. Last but certainly not least is the Transphasic Torpedo introduced in Star Trek: Voyager’s finale (VOY: Endgame). This torpedo is probably the most powerful of them all. Again, due to it being only in the last episode, not a lot is known about this torpedo. However, judging by its name and its on-screen abilities, we know that it is capable of ripping through most shields no matter what. It proved extremely successful against one of the most powerful races in Star Trek, the Borg. The Borg assimilates life-forms and technology and can adapt to weapons. Even with these abilities, the Borg were no match for these torpedoes.

    Shielding is a very important part of space exploration, and that is why Star Trek ships have the very best. To keep this article from going to long, I have excluded the math, and Star Trek shields can withstand over 90,000,000,000,000 gigawatts of concentrated energy all at once. We get this number from looking at how many torpedoes the original USS Enterprise could handle, and with it being 90 at maximum yield all at once from Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS: The Changeling), that is one part to finding it out. Then by looking at several sources on how many megawatts it would take to destroy the moon, as it did say small planet, we can then convert it to gigawatts and multiply it by the 90 torpedoes. To put that many gigawatts in perspective, an atom bomb detonates with 0.006666667 gigawatts. Also as stated in Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG: The Outrageous Okona), Star Wars-esque lasers do absolutely nothing to shields. An visual example of these lasers is from Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG: Peak Performance), where the visible red laser from the USS Hathaway helplessly scatters onto the Enterprise’s shield.
    Another advantage that Star Trek shields have is the ability of modulating and protection against phased weapons. Modulation/frequency go hand in hand with phased weapons. The closer a weapon’s modulation is to the shields, the less effective the shield is. Since Star Wars shields don’t have any proper type of modulation, they are weak and easily defeated.

    That is why Star Trek would completely win.

  3. The guy that made the comparasion up there is a mere retard. He realy thinks that TIE fighter can catch up to even a Shutle? A shutle type 6 and rest would rape the shity Tie fighter. He can manuver all it wants, but whats the point. Tie fighter speed is max 1400 kph, slowest shutle from ST is going on 4000 kph and firepower is more that OP than those of SW. Tie fighter must come extremely close and manualy target the shutle … highly doubt that he will target it at all since he cant come even close to it. in other hand, shutle has photon torpedo thats traveling close to light speed, and not to forget high acurate phasers. about the starship up there, its capable of speed of 100k kph, and he wants a Tie fighter to beat it well good luck with catching up and avoidint phaser fire when you are going 1.4 k again 100k kph. next down there we have Slave-1 and Galaxy star ship. Fail again, that ships Hyperdrive maybe better but who said anything about runing away from that crap ship. Galaxy class speed on impulse is again over 100k kph just in orbit and outside of it its 300 k kph so fail again foru madmin you are retard. you are not even counting the ship saucer separation and speed. Again you are makeing misstake by speed of ships and asumeing that those ion lasers can actualy do a shit to hull. No they cant, Ion lasers on ST just damage the shields, but not the hull, thats why starfleet abandoned the phasers and torpedo projects ( you are moron and just no research fanboyx of SW). next we have mass destruction weapons. Phased Plasma is not onily crap ther, you have Omega molekule boms, Trnsphasic torpedoes, Bio-Weapon mine, Anti mater mine, Temporal Research Facility, Bio-Frigate Destruction beam, Quantum research facility there is more im lazy to check all. Your trash star is useless for a few reasons. 1st the tractor beams are useless mostly since there is tractor inversion beam, and your won tractor beam can be used for database crash so your trash star central computer would be torched. next to that your trash star would be fucked up if you would use it on borg since you would get cou7nter efect with nanites transport and you would have your crew instantly asimilated. next to that is phased plasma torpedoes. The worst part there is taht they phase trough space and pass shields so you can have prety much defian passing your shield generator, unstealthing, teleporting down phased plasma torpedo and nukeing Trash star in pieces so pls next time more research and dont take trash here. You missed even star fleet battle ships. ST TNG, DS9. ST Voy are in same time line and yet you take only 1 part. dont be full of crap and do more research next time and delete this shit

  4. deaincaelo says

    Star trek has time travel, Star Wars does not. The empire is screwed.

    That being said, the math for Star Wars firepower is way, way off. It assumes a type III civilization and some dubious calculations about a grey asteroid being made of pure iron. In short: It cannot be a type III civilization as depicted in the movies, as all planets have a sun and stars.
    The firepower can’t be as immense as stated, else the misses fired at the falcon would have reduced Mos Eisley to a crater visible from space. Hitting the city isn’t necessary for some of the power outputs listed.
    Hypermatter, the proposed solution to the huge energy requirements, only makes the energy requirements worse. Hypermatter is a massive tachyon particle. You have to expend fuel to carry it.
    tl:dr Star Wars reportadly expends much more energy than they seem to have on hand.

  5. let us not forget what an a-wing can do…

  6. Nowhereman10 says

    What is it with the near regurgitation of the Stardestroyer(dot)net garbage on sites like this? Doesn’t anybody go back actually check the episodes and movies to see what is really being said and done?

    Never, never anywhere or anytime has Slave-1 or any Republic or Imperial vessel ever displayed the kind of firepower this article and, by extension, the Stardestroyer(dot)net numbers they are based claim. Where as in Star Trek, a Constitution-class starship (a mid-range size and technology Federation vessel) was capable of “laying waste” to the surface of a planet, and threaten inhabitants even from the opposite side of a fully shielded world ( TOS: “A Taste of Armageddon”, “Bread and Circuses”, and “Whom Gods Destroy”). In Deep Space Nine’s “The Die is Cast”, we see a full up orbital bombardment in action and the explosions, while not perfectly accurate, are thousands of km wide with shockwaves that visibly traverse the globe. A similar thing is seen in the episode “For the Uniform” where the U.S.S. Defiant fires 2 quantum torpedoes to poison a Maquis-held world’s atmosphere with trilithium resin, and while the explosions are smaller than the ones in “The Die is Cast , they are far more powerful than the largest ever detonated in real life (at least 10 times more powerful than the 50 megaton Tsar Bomba).

    A single shot or a few shots from ship-mounted phasers is enough to destroy an entire cities as indicated in TOS’ “Mirror, Mirror”. and it was a full-blast phaser attack on a shield that could devastate an asylum and it’s inhabitants from the opposite side of a planet in “Whom Gods Destroy”.

    The Defiant’s phasers in Deep Space Nine were enough to vaporize most of a kilometers wide comet in less than a couple seconds (DS9: “Destiny”) and the Enterprise-D was capable of carrying out a similar feat and in a more controlled manner to uncover an ancient alien archive using only 10% power. (TNG: “Masks”)

    A Romulan warbird also traps the Enterprise-D inside a huge asteroid by melting enough rock with it’s disruptors to fill a volcanic fissure 800 meters wide by at least 3,000 m deep in just a few seconds (millions of terajoules required here). And while the Enterprise was capable of cutting her way out with phasers, the risk of the chasm collapsing nixed that as an option. (TNG: “The Pegasus”)

    Star Trek ships have routinely demonstrated ranges far in excess of any Star Wars vessel. For example, the Enterprise in TOS’ “The Changeling” fires on Nomad (a 1.5 tall target) and hits it at a stated range of 90,000 km. The U.S.S. Phoenix, a Nebula-class starship closely related to the Galaxy-class Enterprise-D fires on and scores a hit at 300,000 km. (TNG: “The Wounded”). On the other hand, most Star Wars vessels engage each other from a few km away, and visually no more than 200 km. (SW: Return of the Jedi, The Clone Wars “Downfall of a Droid”)

    Also to rub in the poor research done by this site, in TNG’s “A Matter of Time”, the phaser’s output stated as having to be attenuated to a *variance* of “no more than zero point zero six terawatts” or it will kick off an exothermic reaction that will burn off the *entire atmosphere of an Earth-like planet*. 0.06 terawatts is 60 gigawatts, which is nearly 60 times the non-canon Next Generation Technical Manual’s maximum output for the the ship’s main phaser array. And that was for a variance which is described as “the margins of error are extremely critical”. Thus this does not come close to representing the entire output of the second largest array on the ship.

    The Enterprise in TOS had enough power to nudge a nearly Earth Moon-sized asteroid “point zero zero one three degrees” in a matter of seconds, which would require at least 1e23 J to accomplish. In TNG’s “The Masterpiece Societ”, the Enterprise-D moves a stellar core fragment several km wide with “a density of one hundred billion kilograms per cubic centimetre”. The Enterprise-D would need a power source exceeding 1e28 J to accomplish that.

    And where do you get the 1,000 G acceleration from? The TOS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Motion Picture, makes it from Earth to Jupiter in less than 1.8 hours for an acceleration of 34,000 Gs.

    As for Star Wars, the Millennium Falcon does a full afterburn turn and acceleration back at the Star Destroyer Avenger that gives her no more than 146m/s.

    So in conclusion, you guys fail in your research and just skimmed only a few online Versus sites without doing much research on your own. Shame on you, shame, shame, shame.

  7. Dark Lord Herobrine says

    Two words for you people. Death Star. Its superlaser obliterates planets in less than a second. This moon-sized ship is CANON PROOF that the Empire wins in all fields. Turbolasers/lasers/blasters are an as-yet unknown type of particle cannon, not plasma weapons. Also, your ‘assessment’ of the Empire’s abilities rather resemble Darkstar’s. Ever heard of the SWICS books? The one for Episode II rates the Acclamator assault transport’s medium turbolasers at 200 gigatons, far beyond your puny Federation Starfleet’s ENTIRE firepower. SO HOW ‘BOUT YOU JUST READ THE DAMN SOURCE MATERIAL? Remember in ANH that the Empire has a million systems, which means even if the Federation has better tech, the Empire can out produce them by many orders of magnitude more ships erg rush them into the dust. Look, pal, the Federation is a low-end sci-fi power. Even Halo’s UNSC is more powerful, as they held out against a coalition more powerful than the Dominion for THIRTY YEARS.

  8. Star Wars wins just on speed alone. We have two options. Star Trek attacks the Star Wars galaxy, or Star Wars attacks Star Trek. In the first, no matter where Star Trek goes to start an attack, Star Wars can have every single one of its ships there to play defense in a short amount of time. No matter where Star Trek goes, Star Wars can follow immediately. Hell, even if Star Wars put up ZERO defense, just in raw travel time it would Star Trek 100’s of years to just visit all of the Empire’s planets. If Star Wars attacks Star Trek, Trek would not be able to play defense. Star Wars can send its entire fleet anywhere in the Star Trek galaxy at a moment’s notice. Trek ships are so slow, they would never have time to regroup or mount a defense before Star Wars won the battle. And if they tried, by the time Star Trek got there, Star Wars would already be 1000s of light years away. It’d be like being in a fist fight with the Flash. You’d have no chance in hell.

  9. Dark Lord Herobrine says

    Ah, yes. Speed kills. So, even with all other technological advantages removed, the Empire could stomp the Federation into the dirt through Maneuver War ( Oh, and in addition to, I’d advise everyone here to look at AtomicRockets (, which is an excellent sci-fi resource. Both sites are neutral in the SW vs ST debate (and the former is run by a US Marine, so he knows what he’s talking about).

  10. Dark Lord Herobrine says

    Something I kept forgetting to add: deaincaelo, tachyons accelerate when they lose energy so your crap about tachyonic matter being a bad fuel is BS. Hell, tachyonic matter’s probably the best fuel possible. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand science as you seem to worship a franchise that butchers it so much that I can’t watch it anymore without wincing.

  11. Dark Lord Herobrine says

    Just to wrap things up: Nowhereman10, I looked at a summery for ‘Whom Gods Destroy’ and the only shield mentioned was a ‘transport shield’, not a defensive planetary shield like Alderaan had. Not THAT helped against the TWO THOUSAND YOTTATON* blast of the Death Star.
    Jeff Drimsly: BS. The 15 kt Little Boy bomb released 63 Tera Joules of energy in less than a second, MUCH greater than your claim for sub-gigawatt nukes. Also, isotons? NOT A MEANINGFUL UNIT. The maximum THEORETICAL yield for the official Photon specs is 64.3 Mt. And even then, up to 90% is wasted into empty space. Try a Casaba-Howitzer nuke instead.
    Zero: WTH are you trying to say? Anyway, the crew of the Ent-D would be crapping themselves at the sight of a HUNDRED MILE WIDE PLANET BUSTER.
    Mark: Primitive? An ion drive capable of achieving orbit cannot be called primitive, as ion and plasma drives have pathetic atmospheric performance.
    In conclusion: the Federation gets STOMPED. HARD. END OF STORY.
    * Yotta: biggest metric prefix. For reference: the observable universe is 880 yottameters across.

    • Sarah Goodman says

      ” I looked at a summery for ‘Whom Gods Destroy’ and the only shield mentioned was a ‘transport shield’, not a defensive planetary shield like Alderaan had. ”

      You’re thinking of STVI. In “Who Gods Destroy,” they hit the shield with full phasers on the opposite side of the planet, and it didn’t make a hole in it even big enough for a shuttlecraft to go through; however, they were concerned that even on the other side of the planet, it could STILL destroy the asylum.
      So this shield DID cover the entire planet.
      And this was an ASYLUM, not a military target. In short, it had just a cheap deflector that was only intended to prevent rescue or escape, not an actual attack.

      Likewise, Alderaan did NOT have a planetary shield; Leia even said that Alderaan had NO defenses. The ONLY planet-based shields we saw were on Hoth and Endor, and they only covered a small area– and what’s more, tanks were able to WALK through the one on Hoth by landing outside of it.

      Likewise in The Motion Picture, even V’ger was only able to attack Earth because it learned about Earth defense-systems and override-codes from the Enterprise computer; otherwise, Earth could have held off V’ger, despite it having the power of thousands of starships.

      • Dark Lord Herobrine says

        No, I meant ‘Whom Gods Destroy’. As for Alderaan, you can SEE the shield flare in the clip. Please cease you Fed Cultist wanking.

  12. Sarah Goodman says

    This is absolutely ridiculous. We’ve seen these figures before on “,” and they’re completely faked.
    The Death Star took 30 years to build, and destroyed one planet before it got hulled. The second one took all the Empire’s resources and didn’t destroy any planets.
    Meanwhile Star Trek “Generations,” showed that ONE MAN can destroy MANY entire star-systems– stars, planets and all.
    And he did it with little missiles that he built himself.

    • Dark Lord Herobrine says

      DS1: Built over twenty years. DS2: Built in less than four years and the only reason the Rebels know about it was because the Emperor had it leaked. One cannot hide the expenditure of an entire galaxy. Again, READ THE DAMN SOURCE MATERIAL! You really remind me of the moron DarkStar. Look, as someone who has read ~80% of the pre-Disney EU, I have to agree with Wong on ST vs SW. Star Wars wins due to greater scale, technology and resources. I realized that before even reading SDN. And FYI, Wong’s work is based on his engineering background and has been cited by AtomicRockets as useful information. As for the STG movie, Trek is HIGHLY internally inconsistent and unrealistic. Hell, in the Trek ‘verse, stars only emit 4 terajoules per second! I know that American science standards have fallen, but that is STUPIDLY UNREALISTIC. Sol (our sun) releases 3.846×10^26 joules per second. Wars is fantastic, Trek defies the laws of reality. Finally, where do you get the right to call official information (what Wong used) ‘fake’?

    • Dark Lord Herobrine says

      Oh, and the fact that both Death Stars got destroyed is irreverent as the Federation is incapable of pulling it off themselves. DS1: PhoTorps aren’t maneuverable enough. DS2: Federation ship control set-up is unsuited for rapid-reaction flight.

  13. This is just sad. The only people starting to debate normally were deaincaelo, Nowhereman10, Sarah Goodman (had higher hopes for treksiders :P) and Scott and then BANG! A nice debate without ‘retard’s, ‘trashstar’s, ‘moron’s, all caps, ‘cultist’s and ‘wanking’s would be cool. Dark Lord Herobrine presented some interesting questions as well and it would seem to be interesting to check the sites he cited – had I time…
    Man, me writing this while I should learn for exams is sad as well. 😀

  14. Just watched the new Star Wars movie, enjoyed it. That being said, I am disappointed that for the last 30 years in the Star Wars universe nothing notably new has been invented or implemented technology wise. Yes the new planet changed into a death star is interesting but not feasible. Its power source was a star it could draw matter off of to power its main weapon. It pulls enough material off of the star that it self extinguishes, thus in reality the weapon is good for only one shot. After that your planet is adrift in space, with out light speed which would destroy it, and it no longer has a star to use to power its weapons.

    If the two universes were to merge and the science of Star Trek were in the Star Wars universe with its Force abilities the following would most likely happen. The quick thinking Star Trek races would quickly reverse engineer the force and weaponize the force on there ships. It would act as both a shield and weapon for them. Since Midi-chlorians were established in Episode I as the source of the force and seem to be a living like element that can be communicated with that permeates everything in the Star Wars universe, the Federation would be able to destroy the entire universe at once. One ship suicide mission sure, but they would do it if they had to.

    Also lastly, while the Death Star is an interesting idea for a weapon it is actually stupid from a conquer the galaxy point of view since you destroy the very thing you were going after, the planet. Yeah the people you may want to get rid of, but not the planet, you are losing out on the strategic and resource value of it.

    Enough said peace out to you all.

    • Dark Lord Herobrine says

      One problem with that, well two: midi-chlorians aren’t the source of Force-sensitivity, but an indicator of power-levels. And two, Trek didn’t invent much new tech in the eightyish years between TOS and TNG.
      Star Wars has the excuse of being very close the the limits of its universe’s physics while Trek is nowhere near that point.

      • I assume midi-chlorians are absent from the Star Trek universe, thus they have no experience with them. But TOS and TNG episodes have many times had the crew have to figure out / reverse engineer how something works and then use it to there advantage. Best example is TOS episode where they are trapped on a planet where the inhabitants have telekinetic powers. Once they find out that the inhabitants gained these powers after settling on the planet. Spock goes about searching for the unique thing about the planet, it was a unique chemical compound in the food, synthesizes it and injects it into the crew. They gain the powers even more so then the inhabitants of the planet and are able to free themselves. Yeah .. onto next weeks episode. Technology wise, practically every episode of Star Trek helped to progress the tech in there universe. Blasters, did those in enterprise series, lasers TOS, Deflectors – TOS, and so on.

        Anyways, like I said, I like both series I just don’t care for reply’s that are just attack with out facts.

        Lastly, I think we are all missing the point, the Federation and Rebels would team up to help each other fight each universes bad guys such as the Empire, Dominion, Borg or Species 8472 which lies in a whole other Fluidic Space universe.

  15. As far as a dude with a phaser beating a Jedi Knight with a Light-saber, the dude with the phaser would have to get beyond the jedi knights abilities to block blasts from beam weapons.

  16. I have noticed a few other things that have seemed to have been missed when discussing the shield systems on Star Wars ships, as noted in the film TESB, han Solo mentions that the falcon has kinetic shielding as well as defector shielding vs energy weapons. Thus it would be accurate to say that they can deflect matter as well as energy now, when the Empire ships were chasing him through the asteroid field and one of them sustained a large hit this was after a period of time that they had been in the field searching for him after he flew into that large asteroid and there is no telling how long their kinetic shields had been warding off asteroid strikes before one managed to get through.
    Next, many like to point out that Star Wars shielding is crappy citing that weapons fire often penetrates the shielding I think that they are not taking into account the firepower that the shields are warding off in the first place, the falcon warded off a direct hit from an ISD but one more and C3PO stated that they would be done for.
    Later, in the movie ROTJ many point out that a suicide run from a y-wing knocked out the Executor after an x-wing blew up the bridge defector shield but no-one mentions that the Executor had been under fire from the entire Rebel fleet prior to this fact.(check the movie, Admiral Akbar tells the entire fleet co concentrate all firepower against that super star destroyer). It is unknown how long the Executor was under this concentrated barrage but by that time I’m sure some of it’s shielding was weakening, allowing the x-wing shot to blow up the bridge shielding dome.
    I have noted that the Executor and ISD’s have very similar shield strength, finally, Ion cannon are Ion cannons and episodes of Star trek have stated more than once that Ion radiation takes down their shield as well and lots of Star Wars ships have Ion cannons so Fed ships would loss their shield mighty fast against most Imperial ships, and once those shield are gone, it’ good night Irene!

  17. One final thing I forgot to mention earlier, this one concerning ship to ship combat, many people state that an ISD would never get in range of a Fed ship before being blasted to crap but all Star Wars ship are capable of precise micro hyper jumps(check your canons) and when in hyperspace are undetectable so all the Imperial ship needs to do is calculate a micro jump to bring it into range of the Fed ship and it can bring all it’s weapons to bear at close range.

  18. Dark Lord Herobrine says

    Here’s some calcs I made for Photon Torpedoes on Sufficient Velocity.

    According to the TNG Technical Manual, Federation Photon Torpedoes carry 1.5 kilograms of anti-deuterium, which gives the weapon a theoretical yield of 64.4 megatons. Due to the nature of hadron annihilation approximately half this energy is lost in the form of neutrinos, making the maximum possible yield 32 Mt. If PhoTorps have directional blast warheads, the plasma bolt would contain a maximum energy of 27 Mt based on Project Casaba-Howitzer figures. For unfocused blasts the energy is 3.2 Mt. Blast energy drops even further when one includes the fact that not all the anti-matter is consumed in the reaction, having been ejected by the explosion.

    Trek ships, if I recall correctly, can take five three torp volleys before losing shields. That means Fed shields are rated for a maximum of 405 Mt. Objective low-end calcs for turbolasers are in that same range.

  19. How on earth does the Empire beat the Federation at speed? Federation uses instantaneously warp speed, they literally warp space around the ship and bounce off. They can even transwarp, if we wanna get real nasty. Do any of you know how Hyper Space works? It is not the same thing. Hyper Space needs to be calculated with several jumps to meet it’s final destination, where the Federation would travel there almost instantaneously if they use their maximum or emergency warp power. So for you precious speed, the Empire would be at a huge disatvantage against the Federation if they were to attack as there are not many hyper space jump points or “sub space corridors” which they are called in Star Trek.

  20. Matthew Stine says

    So, what everyone reading this and getting butt hurt fail to realize is Star Wars tech wins EVERY time. Not because it is better, but because it is not the same genre. Star Trek is fact base, and possibly. It is Science Fiction. Star Wars is not possible, and is based on imagination. It is Fantasy. Star Treks most outrageous things are time travel and the Q (and the fact that every alien race they meet speaks english, and is capable of having sex with human…looking at you, Kirk). Star Wars’ most BELIEVABLE thing is its alien races. That is why SW wins. SW vs ST is like asking which would win, a lion or a dragon?
    I love Star Wars, but I like Star Trek as well. Why can we not just enjoy them both?

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